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The emulator process for AVD Pixel 3a API 30 x86 was killed

One of the solution is: Select "Tools" - "SDK Manager" - "SDK Tools" tab -and update to latest Android Emulator version. I have same problem with you. Now I can resolved it by this step. I hit this issue trying to run Android API 30. In the end, I had to ... Up vote 31 Down vote. Install the Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator worked for me. Android Emulator The emulator process for AVD was killed, the emulator process for avd was killed android studio, the emulator process for avd was killed in android studio 4, the emulator process for avd was killed windows 10, the emulator process for avd pixel api 30 was killed, the emulator process for avd was killed ubuntu, the emulator process for avd was killed linux, mac the emulator process for avd was killed, the emulator process for avd was killed macos, launching 'app' on no devices. use -list-avds to see valid list. android studio emulator close change avd location android studio avd pixel_3a_api_28 is already running emulator: process finished with exit code 1 launching app on no devices failed to start monitoring emulator-5554 unable to locate adb react native android studio download intel x86 emulator accelerator android studio event log adb rejected shell command (getprop): closed

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